You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry: When Max starts grumbling about him, Duke looms over him menacingly and says that if they don't get along, it won't be pretty.Ī white rabbit.Turns out the reason his owner didn't come for him is that said owner died, and Duke only found out when he and Max made it to the house where he used to live, and were greeted by a cat. Nice Guy: More outgoing than Max and willing to get along with every pets.However, Max isn't at fault here because he was just trying to do something nice for Duke at the moment with no ill intention and he wouldn't have tried to do that had Duke not told him about his original owner. Never My Fault: He accuses Max of trying to get rid of him when he tries to reunite Duke with his original owner, only to find out he just died.Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He only acts like an asshole when you've gotten on his nerves.

Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Literally, this entire movie wouldn't have happened if he just hadn't been a dick towards Duke.At the beginning of the movie, he unblinkingly announces his intent to stand by the door to their apartment until she comes home. She's lucky Max and Duke didn't wind up grievously wounding or killing each other considering she left them unattended for an extended period of time. Pet shelters unanimously agree that the way Katie handled the situation was among the worst ways. Especially when the new pet is considerably larger and the dog feels threatened. Shown Their Work: Max's initial reaction to Duke is spot on for how a pet dog will react to the sudden introduction of a new animal into the family home.Oblivious to Love: As shown in their first interaction in the film, Max is so focused on his owner's return that he's oblivious to Gidget's overly flirtatious mannerisms.No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: When he tries to reunite Duke with his previous owner, it backfires spectacularly.Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While he can be a bit egotistical, he's a nice guy once you've gotten to know him.Given that his whole life virtually revolved around his owner, Max becomes bitter and suspicious of the new dog, and initially tries to get rid of him. Green-Eyed Monster: The plot is set into motion when Katie adopts Duke and brings him home.

Crush Filter: Max suddenly sees Gidget with all new eyes when she opens the can of whoop ass on the Flushed Pets.Luckily, Rooster helps him overcome his fears and adjust to the country. He find the sights, smells, and sounds of the farm overwhelming, which makes his anxiety worse. City Mouse: A city dog that stays at Uncle Shep's Farm in the sequel.The scratching gets so bad that Katie has to get him fitted for the hone of shame. Character Tic: Becomes overprotective of Liam, which causes him to scratch himself whenever he feels that he's in danger.Rooster is unfazed by it and teases him back. He also bullies Rooster in the sequel for his approach on parenting Liam. From the very beginning, he's prone to try and push the other dog around, despite the fact that he's literally bite size to the latter. Amazon Chaser: He starts to reciprocate Gidget's feelings for him after he sees her effortlessly take down the entirety of the Flushed Pets right in front of him.Accidental Murder: He and Duke end up killing The Viper.He is quite fun-loving but is somewhat possessive of his owner when Duke comes along. (first film), Patton Oswalt (second film)Ī Jack Russell terrier, and one of the two protagonists of the movie.